Life Coaching

  In life coaching the coach supports her client in reaching her goals, finding her solutions by encouraging her to expand her horizons and see things from different viewpoints and by helping her to tap into her own well of resources.

There are several situations in your life when you feel stuck, you need to stop and think, events you want to get over or where you need a solution or help in moving forward. You can turn to me with trust in any areas of your life and I will do my best to support you the best way possible.

I believe that I can support you particularly efficiently in situations that I have experienced myself.

Such as:

  • relocation abroad, creating a new life
  • moving back home from abroad
  • partner/spouse from another culture, step children
  • following my partner’s career, still finding fullfillment
  • raising children away from home, in a foreign culture
  • raising a bi/multilingual kid
  • being a mother who is ’good enough’
  • parents of my partner
  • ’no-lose commuication’ with your partner, children and in other relationships (the Gordon model)
  • efficient time management, work-life balance, ’me’ time
  • self-awareness, what did I bring from my childhood? which parental messages block me today? (Transactional Analysis)
  • assertiveness, boosting confidence
  • Dealing with emotions/stress in a better way, developing emotional intelligence
  • mid-life crisis (Am I in a good place?)